PATCH concert sellout success

Dani Kirkman and Mike Fox who were part of the top-class line up.

PATCH raises £2,800 with concert at Monteviot House, Jedburgh, hosted by Lord Lothian.

On the evening of Friday 13 October a capacity audience was entertained by an array of talented local singers and musicians to raise funds to support PATCH. The event, held in the prestigious settings of the Great Hall at Monteviot House, Jedburgh was very generously hosted by Lord Lothian.

We are very grateful to Lord Lothian for hosting this, our second concert at Monteviot. The event was a great success and generated £2,800 to support our work. This is very welcome, but of equal importance is the fact that it raised awareness of PATCH among many individuals who had no previous knowledge of our charity and the work that we carry out.

We are very appreciative of the generosity of all who attended or supported the event in other ways.  In particular, we would like to thank Hastings Legal for their sponsorship and Ron Hastings who not only recruited an impressive line-up of top-class performers but also contributed his own musical talents.

Dr Gordon Paterson, Chairman of PATCH

PATCH was established 10 years ago in Dundee to promote access to high quality palliative and end of life care. In the intervening years over £300,000 has been invested by the charity in a range of projects in various parts of Scotland. Some 40 % of that investment has been made in the Borders.